
A story about Miles Davis and the nature of true genius

I’ve been listening to Kind of Blue all week. More specifically, I have the 180g vinyl copy of the Miles Davis jazz classic on constant rotation. It’s an album that never gets old and therefore needs no specific reason to be listened to, but in this case I do have one. See, I’m reading Frank Chimero’s excellent book The Shape of Design at the moment, and he references Kind of Blue quite a bit. It’s this passage in particular that sent me back for another listen:

Kind of Blue is unequivocally a masterpiece, a cornerstone to jazz music created in just a few short hours by altering the structure of the performance. The musicians accepted the contributions of one another, and ventured out into a new frontier, using their intuitions as their guides. Davis amassed a stellar group of musicians, and with a loose framework of limitations to focus them but plenty of space for exploration, he knew they would wander with skill and play beyond themselves.

This is such a great description of the album, and as Chimero points out in his book, an apt metaphor for meaningful creative work. I started going down the rabbit hole a bit more (thanks, Wikipedia!), and eventually found Stephen Thomas Erlewine’s review of the album. He says:

Why does Kind of Blue possess such a mystique? Perhaps because this music never flaunts its genius. Yet Kind of Blue is more than easy listening. It’s the pinnacle of modal jazz – tonality and solos build from the overall key, not chord changes, giving the music a subtly shifting quality.

Ok, hold on a second. Did you catch that? This music never flaunts its genius. What an interesting way to put it, and I’ve been thinking about that phrase all week. I’ve been wondering what it means not to flaunt your genius, and why we find it so compelling in the rare cases that we stumble upon such genius.

As I dug deeper into my own obsession with Kind of Blue, I realized that my truth lies somewhere in the middle of Chimero and Erlewine’s respective takes on it. I think what draws me to this album is the enormous restraint that each of these brilliant musicians show. Just look at the members of the sextet: Miles Davis, Bill Evans, Jimmy Cobb, Paul Chambers, John Coltrane, and Julian “Cannonball” Adderley. They were all extraordinary musicians at the top of their games, and yet they came together and produced a piece of work that doesn’t feel strained or over the top. There is a sense of comfort – of rightness – to every note on the album.

But why am I so drawn to this restraint? I think it’s because we all know instinctively that restraint is so much harder than flaunting, and therefore takes much more skill. Consider social media – the perfect platform for flaunting your undeniable awesomeness. I was just at a conference yesterday where one of the speakers stopped for a moment so we could all tweet how awesome he is. Yes, of course he was making a joke, but it’s precisely the non-absurdity of the idea that makes the joke funny. The speaker was simply exaggerating behavior we see online every day.

But here’s the thing. Telling people how awesome you are is easy. You don’t even have to be awesome to tell people how great you are. It’s the unwritten rules of the game: online, we get to be the versions of ourselves that we wished we were in real life. And it’s easy to do so. On Twitter, talking is easy; shutting up is the hard part.

And this brings me to the point of this little journey: what having Kind of Blue on endless rotation for the past few days has taught me. Three things:

One, be exceptional at something. These musicians didn’t just show up and play some tunes. They spent years and years practicing and honing their respective crafts. They weren’t all great at everything, but they were exceptional at their chosen instruments. These days we call it being T-shaped, but I think the point is simple: pick one or two instruments, and become really good at playing them through continuous learning and practice.

Two, give others room to shine. On Kind of Blue these giants of jazz somehow manage never to step on each other’s toes. Instead, they know when it’s time to play a solo and when it’s time to hang back and be the support for whatever is going on in the foreground. Ubuntu says that “a person is only a person through other people”, and we’d be well served to remember that philosophy in our work. We are stronger – and we can accomplish more – once we know when it’s time to lead, and when it’s time to make others look good.

Let’s not be afraid to celebrate the successes of others, and partner with people we feel threatened by. If Coltrane didn’t think he was good enough for Miles Davis – or that he’s much better and deserved more solo time – we wouldn’t have had the album they ended up giving us.

Three, proceed with cautious courage. Kind of Blue marked a change in recording style for Miles Davis:

In 1953, the pianist George Russell published his Lydian Chromatic Concept of Tonal Organization, which offered an alternative to the practice of improvisation based on chords and chord changes. Abandoning the traditional major and minor key relationships of classical music, Russell developed a new formulation using scales, or a series of scales, for improvisations: This approach led the way to “modal” in jazz. Influenced by Russell’s ideas, Davis implemented his first modal composition with the title track of his studio album Milestones, and his first sessions with Bill Evans, 1958 Miles. Satisfied with the results, Davis prepared an entire album based on modality

Notice the progression here. George Russel brings modality to jazz music. Miles Davis then tries it out on a single track. Once he tested it and liked the results, he proceeded to record a full album in that style. Davis recognized a change in musical styles and embraced it, but he did so with cautious courage – testing his ideas on a small scale first before going all out.

There are so many ways we can apply this idea to the work we do. On the one end of the spectrum, think of industries like music, movies, and publishing – industries that are in trouble because they refuse to embrace the digital changes that happened despite their attempts to stop it. On the other end, think of products that are launched without an audience or a purpose, stuck in endless cycles of “pivoting”. Somewhere in the middle lies the Miles Davis approach: recognize opportunity and go for it, but do so in a measured, careful way.

Maybe Kind of Blue has something very specific to teach us about the nature of true genius. It shows that there is a kind of magic to things that are made by exceptional people who are not in need of the false security that flaunting so often provides. And maybe this is the message that all jazz music tries to teach: make great things with your friends, and don’t be afraid to let them have the spotlight every once in a while. If it’s good, your recognition will come. Just ask Miles Davis.

The importance of getting the details right

Jeff Atwood starts his article This Is All Your App Is: a Collection of Tiny Details as a post about cat feeders, but stick with it. It’s gold:

Getting the details right is the difference between something that delights, and something customers tolerate.

Your software, your product, is nothing more than a collection of tiny details. If you don’t obsess over all those details, if you think it’s OK to concentrate on the “important” parts and continue to ignore the other umpteen dozen tiny little ways your product annoys the people who use it on a daily basis ““ you’re not creating great software. Someone else is. I hope for your sake they aren’t your competitor.

Product descriptions and empty vessels

Jason Fried in Why is Business Writing So Awful?, a good post on caring about the words you use to describe your product:

Unfortunately, years of language dilution by lawyers, marketers, executives, and HR departments have turned the powerful, descriptive sentence into an empty vessel optimized for buzzwords, jargon, and vapid expressions. Words are treated as filler – “stuff” that takes up space on a page. Words expand to occupy blank space in a business much as spray foam insulation fills up cracks in your house. Harsh? Maybe. True? Read around a bit, and I think you’ll agree.

New favorite TextExpander snippet

I have a new favorite TextExpander snippet. Whenever I type /adhominem it now gets replaced with:

I will be happy to debate this further once you’re willing to respond using DH4 or higher:

As an added bonus this sentence is less than 140 characters so it fits nicely into a tweet. You’re welcome.

Design isn’t just surface work

Speaking of Frank Chimero, his Q&A on the Readmill Blog is really good:

A dull ache of sadness and disappointment works through me when I see design portrayed as surface work, or when I see a lot of time and money funneled into empty solutions to fake problems. It feels like squandered potential. Fruit rotted on the branch. I believe that design, at its best, can act as life-enhancement. We can make and use this stuff to help all of us live well, and I’d like to see us live up to those expectations across the board, my own work included.

Early thoughts on “The Shape of Design”

I just started reading Frank Chimero’s The Shape of Design. I wanted to wait for the physical book but my patience failed me so I accidentally started reading the eBook today.

I’m only about 20% through but I can already wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in the bigger context and purpose of design. In fact, one of the core ideas that Frank wants to get across is why we should care about more than just technique:

The relationship between form and purpose”Š”…”“”…”ŠHow and Why”Š”…”“”…”Šis symbiotic. But despite this link, Why is usually neglected, because How is more easily framed. It is easier to recognize failures of technique than those of strategy or purpose, and simpler to ask “How do I paint this tree?” than to answer “Why does this painting need a tree in it?” The How question is about a task, while the Why question regards the objective of the work. If an artist or designer understands the objective, he can move in the right direction, even if there are missteps along the way. But if those objectives are left unaddressed, he may find himself chasing his own tail, even if the craft of the final work is extraordinary.

Seriously, just buy the book.

We don’t do art

Well, boom:

Don’t you think it is weird that every designer you come across says they like minimalism? Minimalism is an art term that designers tried to bring over into our realm. We don’t do art. We engineer solutions and if that solution is anything more than “˜minimal’ then it usually means we lost a battle with a client.

When design mistakes are fatal (and what we can learn from them)

The article Air France Flight 447: “Damn it, we’re going to crash” is long and fascinating. But most of all, it’s frightening. It paints a vivid picture of what happened the night of June 1st 2009, when Air France Flight 447 from Rio de Janeiro to Paris went missing. The plane was eventually found days later – all 228 passengers and crew died in the crash.

For me, the biggest take-away from the article is that sometimes bad design can cost lives. Much of the article is about the design flaws in Airbus planes that resulted in multiple – and eventually fatal – human errors by the pilots. The details are important so you should definitely read the whole article, but two main design issues are discussed.

First, there is a lack of information given to pilots:

In the next 40 seconds AF447 fell 3,000 feet, losing more and more speed as the angle of attack increased to 40 degrees. The wings were now like bulldozer blades against the sky. Bonin failed to grasp this fact, and though angle of attack readings are sent to onboard computers, there are no displays in modern jets to convey this critical information to the crews. One of the provisional recommendations of the BEA inquiry has been to challenge this absence.

Second, there is a lack of visual feedback on the particular kind of steering that’s used on all Airbus planes. Because of the way the so-called “fly-by-wire” steering method is implemented on the Airbus, it’s very difficult for pilots to see what their colleagues are doing, and therefore almost impossible to spot human error:

The American manufacturer [Boeing] was concerned about [the Airbus] side sticks’ lack of visual and physical feedback. Indeed, it is hard to believe AF447 would have fallen from the sky if it had been a Boeing. Had a traditional yoke been installed on Flight AF447, Robert would surely have realised that his junior colleague had the lever pulled back and mostly kept it there. When Dubois returned to the cockpit he would have seen that Bonin was pulling up the nose.

As I read through this article I was immediately reminded of Nielsen’s first usability heuristic:

Visibility of system status

The system should always keep users informed about what is going on, through appropriate feedback within reasonable time.

Both of the main issues that resulted in the crash of Flight AF447 could have been avoided by following the simple guidelines of system status visibility. It’s what makes this already horrifying event even worse.

As web designers we are extremely lucky – our design mistakes don’t endanger lives. But even though we don’t make daily life-or-death decisions in our profession, we should still pay extra attention to this first, and arguably most important, rule of UI design: always make sure users know where they are, and that they have the information they need to make their next decision. This is one of those simple design rules that seems obvious when it’s followed, but results in major abandonment when it’s broken.

When a user gives an input we have to acknowledge receipt of that input. This input is usually in the form of a click or a touch. It’s the user’s way of starting a conversation, so don’t be rude – talk back. These buttons below, designed by Alex Maughan for, is a good example of appropriate feedback:

kalahari buttons

As soon as the user clicks the “Add to basket” button, the animated spinner and text give an indication that something is happening. Or consider this idea for a new kind of signup flow outlined on the 37signals blog:

You could preview the workflow steps that come after the signup so it’s clear how much of a gap there is between signing up and getting value out of the product.

This approach gives users comfort, because they know what’s going to happen next. They have all the information they need, so there’s no need to panic and abandon the flow. (You can click through to the original post for a sketch of this idea)

This principle isn’t new or complicated. But reading about the Air France tragedy reminded me again that we sometimes skip over the basics to implement the fancy. So here’s an idea: pick your favorite “get the basics right” sports cliché and put it on the wall so you can see it whenever you’re designing (you know, like catches win matches or something). Or just get straight to the point and write, “Appropriate feedback makes for happy users”.


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