
Gestural interfaces and generational transition

Francisco Inchauste did a great interview with MIT Technology Review about the user experience challenges of gestural interfaces. From Does Gestural Computing Break Fitts’ Law?:

I think there are a lot of usability/UX rules and laws that will come into question as we move forward into more of these experimental kinds of interfaces. I know many of them already have been retested/validated by other researchers.

A lot of newer interaction paradigms aren’t naturally intuitive as we like to think. Tapping and swiping at “pictures under glass” (or in this case, content) is always going to be a learned thing, like when we were introduced to the desktop metaphor or icons.

I think we’re in a period of generational transition when it comes to fully gestural interfaces1. Despite living on the Internet, I still struggle to remember some of the newer gestures that are popping up in iOS apps. On the other hand, my 3½-year old daughter has zero problems figuring out (and remembering) gestures, because this is the world she’s growing up in. There is no major shift in mental model needed — to her, this is just how technology works. It reminds me of something Chuck Skoda said a while ago in The touchscreens are coming:

While I fully expect the future to have keyboards and mice (or some precision pointing device), touch is already precluding the ubiquity of both in the minds of children. When the upcoming generation is running the show, we will find another absurd idea, that a computer built for human interaction will have a screen that doesn’t respond to touch.

And when that generational transition is complete, what we once thought of as “newer interaction paradigms” will simply be “the way things are”.2

  1. By the way, check out Rise, a fantastic, fully gestural alarm clock app by Francisco and the team at Simplebots. 

  2. I think I deserve a special Internet high five for not making a “the future is already here…” reference here. 

An interface should get out of the way, except when it shouldn’t

Rus Yusupov talks about the design process at Vine in Design at Vine: Everyone needs an editor. I love these kinds of posts because I always learn something — either confirmation that we’re not the only ones doing things a certain way, or that we’re doing something wrong and need to change.

One of Vine’s key design principles got me thinking about the “invisible design” debate again:

Strive for simplicity. An interface should get out of the way. People should be able to focus on being creative, not on how to use the app. In many ways, interface design is like film editing: if you notice it, it wasn’t done well.

This idea has been a common refrain over the years, especially since Dieter Rams formalized his 10 principles of good design and said that “Good design is as little design as possible.” Except that somewhere along the line, we started to believe that “as little design as possible” means “getting out of the way”. It doesn’t.

Rams didn’t say that good design disappears completely. “As little design as possible” is not about making things invisible, it’s about “not burdening products with non-essentials”. It’s about making the right choices about what should be there, and what shouldn’t. There is nothing wrong with making the things that are in the product visible, sometimes very much so. Let’s not forget that one of Rams’s other principles is that “Good design is aesthetic”:

The aesthetic quality of a product is integral to its usefulness because products we use every day affect our person and our well-being.

I would add that making the right interface elements appropriately visible is essential for a visual hierarchy that effectively guides users through an interface.

Nevertheless, at some point the design community collectively arrived at this conclusion that good design is invisible — or even better, not even there. And I think that’s a dangerous line of thought. In the case of Vine, they used this principle well to ensure simplicity in the app. But there is still a very strong visual identity in the app.

We need to remember not to conflate what should be two different arguments. “How it works” should be invisible, but “How it looks” certainly doesn’t have to be. I think Dieter Rams would agree with that.

I’ve written about this topic before in So, is good design invisible, or not?

Banner blindness and you

Joaquin (no last name?) talks about ad banner blindness in The non-click generation:

See, the point is, I know this ad is always in that space, I know what it does, I know its intentions, and I know the methods. It’s invisible to me because I know so much about it.

That’s nothing new, of course, but the article did remind me of Mike Lacher’s extremely funny I Am the One Who Clicks Banner Ads:

While you check the weather, I find out why California dermatologists hate the one weird skin care secret discovered by a stay-at-home mom. While you read the New York Times, I rollover for more information about how to get my diabetes under control. While you search IMDB, I click for showtimes, tickets, and behind-the-scenes videos for Think Like a Man. Page after page, banner after banner, I click and I click.

Oh, and while you’re on McSweeney’s, you might as well check out I’m a Social Media Community Manager!:

What is a Social Media Community Manager? Oh sorry, I didn’t hear you over the sound of how hip my job is.

The Internet would be so much less weird and fun without McSweeney’s.

Facebook won’t keep your friendships going

Richie Siegel in Facebook Isn’t Worth It:

With Facebook acting as the gauge of social worthiness in the twenty-first century, it’s time we realize that a lot of what we hoped Facebook could accomplish was unrealistic and impossible. Facebook is not going to keep your friendships going, no matter how much effort you put into it. Only humans, talking and being with other humans, can develop meaningful, lasting bonds. You can have all the friends in the world on the internet, but once you step away from your computer, only reality remains. 

That’s his conclusion following a long argument that’s well worth reading.

(link via Ben Brooks)

What a Product Manager should focus on in the first 90 days

Arriving at a company as a new (or sometimes, the first) Product Manager can be daunting. Product Management is usually introduced in an organization once there is a such a high level of internal enthusiasm and chaos that the leaders aren’t sure how to handle it any more. And then everyone looks to the Product Manager — you — to “manage stuff”.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by how much there is to do when you step into a stressful role like Product Management. So here are some recommendations on how to spend your first 3 months at a new company.

First 30 days: Understand the product, the market, and the company culture

The goal of the Product Manager is “to deliver measurable business results through product solutions that meet both market needs and company goals”. With that in mind, spend the first 30 days learning and understanding:

  • The product. What does the company sell? What does the product do? How does it work? What is the value proposition? What problems does it solve for customers? What features does it have? What kind of bugs does it have? What are the main usability issues?
  • The market. Who currently uses the product? What are they like? What are their characteristics? What do they like and not like about the product? Who is the target market? Are there personas for each different type of person in the target market? What are macro and micro market needs addressed by the product? Who are the competitors?
  • The current product/market fit. Are you in a good market with a product that can satisfy the market? What are the gaps that you need to close between what the product does, and what the market needs, to ensure a better fit?
  • The company culture. Talk to as many people as possible in the organization — from marketing to finance to design to engineering — to understand how things work. What do people like about the product development process? What do they hate? Do designers feel like they have enough time to do their work? Do developers have what they need to program effectively?
  • Ensure the PM role is properly understood. For a Product Manager to be effective, the organization needs to understand that PMs should have autonomy over the products they manage. Executive buy-in is a prerequisite for success, so make sure that it’s well understood that even though everyone gets a voice, not everyone gets to decide. As Seth Godin once said, “Nothing is what happens when everyone has to agree.”

Next 30 days: Develop a strategic product plan

Based on what you learn in the first 30 days, start the product planning phase:

  • Run a Product Discovery workshop to start identifying user needs, business needs, and technical needs, and to create a problem frame diagram.
  • Develop personas and user journeys, and start brainstorming ideas for product development with the team.
  • Work with the team to prioritise ideas and start building a roadmap for development. Consider methods like the KJ-technique or the Kano model as a way to formalize prioritization efforts.
  • Identify success measures — define how you’ll know if what you’re doing is having the desired impact. The 3 A’s (Acquisition, Activation, Activity) are always a good start.
  • Put the appropriate processes in place to ensure effective product development lifecycles. This means knowing what kind of requirements and specifications developers need to start working, how research and design fits into the process, where marketing becomes involved, how QA should work, etc. You can only do this once you understand the current culture, and what the strategic plan will be going forward.

All of the above goes into a document called the strategic product plan. Among other things, this plan includes statements about the product’s value proposition, who the market is (customer profiles), how you plan to achieve product/market fit (the business opportunity, pricing, distribution), what the priorities are, a first stab at the roadmap, and proposed success measures.

Next 30 days: Start executing on the strategic product plan

Now that the plan and the initial roadmap are in place, start the product execution phase:

  • Start with a reasonably small requirement with clear and easily measurable success metrics. Work with the team to get it done right.
  • Measure, and show the success of the process. Use this to build trust and continue to ship improvements (and even better products).
  • Assess the situation, and use customer and business feedback to adjust priorities (and the roadmap) as needed. Flexibility is key.
  • Keep going. Repeat any of the initial steps as needed.
  • Have fun while you’re doing all of this.

The life of a Product Manager has an exhausting, exhilarating rhythm that is beyond the scope of this article. But spending your first 3 months systematically moving from product planning to product execution will not only give you a solid foundation from which to improve the product, but also ensure that you hit the ground running by shipping the right improvements as early as possible.

I posted an earlier version of this article as an answer on Quora.

The life and death of Flat Design

120 days. That’s how long it took for the term Flat Design to go from cutting edge to extremely uncool. On September 25, 2012 the LayerVault team introduced Flat Design in their post The Flat Design Era:

We interpret recent shots taken at skeumorphism as a sign of the coming of “Honest Design.” Much like we were not too long ago, designers working for the web are getting fed up with the irrational, ugly shortcuts being praised as good design.

On January 23, 2013 Cole Peters pronounced the term dead in Flatliners:

However, it seems that fervour I mentioned has taken a turn for the worse over the past little while, switching gears from enthusiasm, straight into full-blown fanaticism. And while the topic has borne a few great articles, ideas and interfaces, the bulk of the conversation around flat design tends to mimic with unfortunate precision the lack of depth the movement is built around.

So, it’s time for us to find a new thing to argue about, I guess. But before we do, let’s remember something Wells Riley said at the height of the Flat Design debate. In Less Aesthetic, More Design he argues that a more accurate term would be Flat Aesthetic, and then concludes:

Flat aesthetic is great. Skeuomorphism is fine too. It’s even okay to gush over sexy UI on Dribbble and explore aesthetic fads in your own work. Just don’t forget the other 90% of what makes a design comprehensively great.

Design is a form of problem solving. Never forget that.

Preach it, brother Wells.

Alternatives to User-Centered Design

Cennydd Bowles casts a critical eye on the UCD process in Looking Beyond User-Centered Design. He lists several weaknesses of UCD, including the negation of style — the idea that “Good design is invisible”:

By negating the idea of a designer’s influence, we also negate the idea of style within the UX discipline. We’re saying that, done properly, it should be impossible to tell one UX designer’s work from another’s. There should be no signature elements, no philosophical movements, no overarching tenets except that of transparency. […]

Of course our designs must put users first. But there is never just a single way to meet user goals. Instead of trying to deprecate style, we should embrace it as a way to drive our practice forward and lend personality to the things we make. In a marketplace of bewildering clutter, products with a damn opinion are by far the most interesting.

Cennydd’s main point is not that UCD is a bad methodology and that we should stop using it, but that its dominance might be a problem. Designers should be familiar with many modes of design, so that we can draw on a variety of techniques, not just our favorite one. It’s a good article, well worth your time.

One of the alternative approaches that Cennydd touches on is Activity-Centered Design (ACD). I want to focus on that because Mike Long wrote a great article about ACD recently, cheekily called Stop Designing for “Users”. He discusses some limitations of personas before introducing Activity Theory, and a technique they use often called the Human Activity System Diagram.

As an example, Mike shows how he used the diagram to understand behaviors and actions in a local carpool:

Image source: Stop Designing for “Users”

Mike explains how ACD resulted in a better understanding of the problem (and possible solutions) than UCD would have:

By analyzing the whole system, rather than individuals, I came to the realization that the objective for drivers and passengers to carpool with minimal coordination was already happening. In the casual carpool pickup spots rituals and norms naturally emerge with readily available tools and artifacts. Namely, vehicles and queues. What about other issues like lost-and-found items? The system has already compensated: If someone forgets to take a purse or a phone when they get out of a vehicle, the driver can simply post “found” signs at the head of the passenger queue. Any other solution I can think of would require another layer of coordination between drivers and passengers.

Both these articles challenged me to think broader than UCD and explore other design systems — even ones I’ve been skeptical about in the past, like Genius Design. I realised that even though UCD is a proven way to build great user experiences, it would be foolish to ignore the good lessons we can learn from other methodologies.

What I learned about design in 2012

One of my favorite articles of 2011 was What I Learned About the Web in 2011 on A List Apart. In particular, Erin Kissane’s call to respect complexity stayed with me all through 2012:

If a single idea has followed me around this year, from politics to art and work to friendships, it’s been this one: “it’s more complicated than that.”

It’s centrally important to seek simplicity, and especially to avoid making things hard to use or understand. But if we want to make things that are usefully simple without being truncated or simplistic, we have to recognize and respect complexity—both in the design problems we address, and in the way we do our work.

So it was with a sense of great surprise and gratitude that I responded to a request to participate in the 2012 version of that article, What We Learned in 2012. The section I wrote is entitled “Confidence versus humility”, and in a sense, it’s a continuation of Erin’s plea in 2012:

The biggest thing I learned last year is that the two most important characteristics of a good designer are ones that, at first, appear to contradict one another.

I won’t quote the section in full, because I’d love for you to check out the whole article. There are some real gems in there from a bunch of designers and writers I really admire.


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