
Products that remove small life annoyances

I’m currently travelling in the U.S., which means I can finally drag some of my favorite apps from the graveyard screen on my iPhone to the home screen. I’m now happily exploring around in Yelp and Fandango, which I haven’t been able to do in a while. Even Foursquare — which I’m already a huge fan of — is suddenly on steroids.

At the same time, there’s one part of Don Norman’s The Paradox of Wearable Technologies that I keep coming back to:

I am fully dependent upon modern technologies because they make me more powerful, not less. By taking away the dreary, unessential parts of life, I can concentrate upon the important, human aspects.

I realize that when apps work well — really well — they do just that. It’s not that they get out of the way in an invisible UI sense. They are extremely visible, and they consume all your attention while you’re using them. But they take away the boring parts of life so you can focus on the exciting bits.

I apologize in advance to those of you who live in the U.S., but please allow me to gush a couple of examples to illustrate my point.


Buying movie tickets online is a mission in most cases. Even if you can figure out how to use the site, you’re not guaranteed that the payment gateway is going to work, and there’s often no way to save credit card details for future purchases. But before I came on this trip, I saved some movies I knew I wanted to see in the Fandango app. Once I got here, I just tapped on a movie, the app showed me nearby theatres and times, I bought a ticket using my PayPal account, and I showed my phone at the door to scan the ticket.

All the app does is take the mundane parts out of buying movie tickets — the search for a theatre, the payment, the ticketing process. It lets me focus on what I really want to be doing — watching a movie.


I expected Foursquare to be better in the U.S. than in South Africa, but I’m blown away by its usefulness. Here are some things that really helped along the way:

  • Foursquare knows I live in Cape Town and that I check into a lot of coffee places. So when I arrived in San Diego the app told me welcome, and recommended some coffee houses nearby (a friend, who checks into a lot of Mexican restaurants, got that as her recommendations).
  • After you check in somewhere, the app tells you where people are likely to go next.
  • Because the data set is so huge, I find that the ratings and recommendations work much better across the board.
  • For example, the time of day affects the recommendations — breakfast places in the morning, lunch places around noon, etc.

Again, this isn’t earth-shattering stuff. But it takes away just enough of the mundane parts of being in a new city to make your visit that much more enjoyable.

And that’s what good technology does. It’s not necessarily invisible, but it performs a disappearing act on the things you don’t want to do. There are certainly major, wicked problems to solve in the world. But there are also thousands of small, tedious tasks we deal with every day that we can solve with technology.

That’s what’s inspiring to me about these products, and why I’m going to pay much more attention to “small annoyances” as a way to get product ideas.

The problem with responsive frameworks

There’s so much good stuff in this responsive design interview with Brad Frost and others. I was especially interested in everyone’s thoughts on responsive frameworks. Here’s Aaron Gustafson‘s answer:

I find Foundation, Bootstrap, and similar frameworks interesting from an educational standpoint, but I would never use one when building a production site. For prototyping a concept, sure, but to take one of these into production you need to be rigorous in your removal of unused CSS and JavaScript or you end up creating a heavy, slow experience for you users. I also think you need to work twice as hard to break out of the theme of the framework. There are a ton of Bootstrap sites out there that look like Bootstrap sites. Your design should be as unique as your product, not some off the shelf thing you just changed some colors on.


Facebook’s brilliant mobile advertising strategy

Ben Thompson’s stratēchery has become one of my favorite sites. His insight into the tech world gives me a new perspective with every post. Recently he discussed what makes the Facebook app so compelling in Mobile Makes Facebook Just an App; That’s Great News:

Brand advertising on Facebook’s app shares the screen with no one. Thanks to the constraints of mobile, Facebook may be cracking the display and brand advertising nut that has frustrated online advertisers for years. […]

[Facebook] is the most indispensable tech product in most people’s lives, and every time one of those billion people use the mobile app, they see an advertisement that completely owns their device’s screen, if only for a moment.

“Ads in users’ faces” is certainly a great sell to advertisers, but I do wonder how far they can push it before people feel like their entire feed is taken over by advertising, and there’s just not enough content from their friends any more.

[Sponsor] Igloo, an intranet you’ll actually like

My thanks to Igloo Software for sponsoring Elezea’s RSS feed this week. Please check them out!

Igloo is now free to use with up to ten people, making it easier to work with your whole team, your customers or your partners.

Your Igloo is built around apps you already know and love: blogs, calendars, file sharing, forums, microblog and wikis.

Start building your Igloo instantly (no credit card required), or check out their awesome Sandwich Videos.


Sponsorship by The Syndicate.

Focus and littered menu bars

The idea that we allow too many distractions to take our focus off the work we’re supposed to be doing is not new. And the solution — just turn things off! — is not rocket science either. But I find it interesting just how many blog posts we’ve seen about this topic over the past couple of years. Working in the Shed by Matt Gemmell is another really good one:

We act as if we take concentration for granted, yet everyone has had trouble keeping their mind on the task at hand. We litter our menubars with icons, keep notifications enabled, and run our email programs, chat apps and social media clients all day. Something’s got to give, and invariably it’s our creative output.

Hey Marketers, making a website is not about you

Seth Godin just published another very weird post1 called What works for websites today? He makes a couple of claims that, to me, show what the biggest problem with Marketing is today. I’ll get back to that, but first… Seth says:

[An] effective website is created by someone who knows what she wants the user to do.

No. An effective website is created by someone who knows what users want to do. And she uses that knowledge to build something useful that is also easy and enjoyable to use.

He continues:

The only reason to build a website is to change someone.

Wait, what? No! We have a name for that. It’s called persuasive design, or at the far end of the spectrum, dark patterns.

No, the only reason to build a website is to enable people to do what they want to do.

Good user experience has both good utility (it fills a customer need) and good usability (it’s easy to use). The problem with many Marketers today is that they too often make it all about the company, and not about user needs. I’m sorry, but it’s not about changing people, and it’s not about making them do stuff. That’s old school thinking from a time when brands could steamroll their way into the consciousness and wallets of people through clever advertising and sleight of hand. Those days are over. Now our job is not to make it about how awesome we are, but how well we help people accomplish their goals.

Let’s respect our users and their needs. Let’s not treat them like puppets that need to be controlled.

Respect users’ time

Your app makes me fat is such a great post about respecting users by Kathy Sierra:

That one new feature you added? That sparkly, Techcrunchable, awesome feature? What did it cost your user? If the result of your work consumes someone’s cognitive resources, they can’t use those resources for other things that truly, deeply matter. This is NOT about consuming their time and attention while they’re using your app. This is about draining their ability for logical thinking, problem-solving, and willpower after the clicking/swiping/gesturing is done. 

It reminds me of Paul Ford’s admonition in 10 Timeframes:

If we are going to ask people, in the form of our products, in the form of the things we make, to spend their heartbeats on us, on our ideas, how can we be sure, far more sure than we are now, that they spend those heartbeats wisely?

We are responsible — at least in part — for how people spend their time. We shouldn’t take that lightly.

[Sponsor] TextExpander touch 2.0

My thanks for TextExpander touch for sponsoring Elezea’s RSS feed this week! I use TextExpander extensively across all my devices, and I can highly recommend it.

Type faster on your iPhone or iPad using short abbreviations that expand into long snippets, such as email addresses, URLs, and standard replies. Tap in your abbreviation and it automatically expands to the full snippet. You can even insert today’s date automatically with the default abbreviation “ddate”! Use Dropbox to sync your snippets to all your iOS and Mac devices!

New in TextExpander 2.0: Make customized, boilerplate replies fast and easy using fill-ins. Compose messages and expand snippets in formatted text. Insert macros for date, time, date math, etc. easily when editing your snippets on iOS.

Please note that iOS does not allow TextExpander touch to work in the background (as it does in Mac OS X). But you can expand snippets directly in over 160 apps that have built-in TextExpander touch support including OmniFocus, Drafts, Things, iA Writer, DayOne, Byword, Notesy, Elements, and WriteRoom. See the complete list of supported apps.


Sponsorship by The Syndicate.


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