
San Francisco’s Nocturnal Taxi Ballet

I loved the story of the honking Waymos when it came out, and I’m glad it got the classic “but what does it all mean!?” treatment from The Atlantic:

Watching the Waymos circle the lot under the cover of darkness—and occasionally getting stuck in an endless loop—scratches a childish itch, akin to the fantasy of watching one’s toys come alive at night. In one video, the cars, bathed in taillight red and trying to exit, give off an aggressive vibe. In others, they seem clumsy. What do robots do when we can’t see them? Tung’s webcam answers the question. The stream makes it easy to spin up fictionalized, anthropomorphized yarns about the cars, because it feels like we’ve caught them in a private moment.

This whole story reminds me of scene from I, Robot where Will Smith’s character discovers a bunch of decommissioned robots in a junkyard just… standing around doing nothing. Well, until they don’t… But no spoilers.

I Robot Container Scene