
Demo Mode vs. Reality Mode in product development

Rebekah Cox wrote a great post discussing the difference between product Demo Modes (in-store displays, on-stage demos that work without a glitch, picture-perfect product intros) and what she calls Reality Mode:

Reality mode takes time, iteration, data and user research. It takes honestly using what you’ve created and putting it through its paces. It takes asking yourself “is it useful?” and honestly answering. The result may not align with conventional wisdom, you may have to sacrifice that clever hook everyone comments about (but is ultimately useless or worse) and the demo may be boring or nonexistent. But by using your product in the real world and thinking about its true utility and value, you may end up with an enduring product where people are delighted through consistently delivered value instead of just a cool demo.

It reminds me of Marco Arment’s assessment that Facebook Home is “designed for optimal input and failed to consider real-world usage.” This is a very real problem in product development. It takes courage to look your darling project in the eye, find it wanting, and admit to it.