
Last updated on December 20, 2024

These are the books I keep right next to my desk, and the blogs and newsletters I never miss.

Books that have shaped my thinking

Personal blogs I subscribe to

I am not including big blogs like Daring Fireball or The Verge here. These are (some of) the personal “homes on the web” I like keeping up with. It used to be called a Blogroll back in the day. Neat! I read these blogs via RSS, like a gentleman.

A few newsletters I really like

I am skipping some obvious ones (like Lenny and Platformer) that everyone already subscribes to.

  • Stratechery by Ben Thompson (the business, strategy, and impact of technology)
  • Department of Product by Rich Holmes (latest product releases and industry news)
  • Elena’s Growth Scoop by Elena Verna (product-led growth, product-led sales, and career growth)
  • MKT1 Newsletter by Emily Kramer (B2B marketing advice and guides)
  • Culture Study by Anne Helen Petersen (fascinating essays about broad topics related to the culture around us)
  • Dense Discovery by Kai Brach (design, tech, sustainability, urbanism, and more)
  • Links I Would Gchat You If We Were Friends by Caitlin Dewey (the best and most interesting internet reading of the week)
  • Five things on Friday by James Whatley (more wonderful things to read)
  • Transfer Orbit by Andrew Liptak (my favorite newsletter about science fiction, writing, and the future)
  • Read More Books by Jeremy Anderberg (book reviews, author interviews, bookish news and lists, and more)
  • Garbage Day by Ryan Broderick (the only way I try to stay up to date with internet culture)