
Inspiration for designers stuck in the ‘sheer undiluted slog’

I recently read two book excerpts, both about art and the creative process, that I think are extremely relevant to web design, so I wanted to share it here. The first is from the book Art & Fear: Observations on the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking, and it tells the story of a ceramics teacher on his first day of instruction:

A ceramics teacher announced on opening day that he was dividing the class into two groups. All those on the left side of the studio, he said, would be graded solely on the quantity of the work they produced. All those on the right would be graded solely on their works’ quality.

His procedure was simple: On the final day of class he would bring in his bathroom scales and weigh the work of the quantity group; 50 pound of pots rated an A, 40 pounds a B, and so on. Those being graded on quality, however, needed to produce only one pot — albeit a perfect one — to get an A. At grading time, the works with the highest quality were all produced by the group being graded for quantity.

It seems that while the quantity group was busily churning out piles of work — and learning from their mistakes — the quality group had sat theorizing about perfection, and in the end had little more to show for their efforts than grandiose theories and a pile of clay.

The second is from Absolute Truths, where a character in Susan Howatch’s novel talks about the struggles she encounters as a sculpter:

Plaxo registration and the benefits of good microcopy

Remember Plaxo? I do too, but up to now I remembered them like I remember MySpace: “That site that used to be popular for something-or-other.” But recently a bunch of people I used to work with moved to Plaxo, and they’re colleagues I respect, so I thought I’d check it out again. You know, one day. But to his credit, Preston‘s incessant tweeting about how awesome Plaxo is finally got me off my procrastinating butt to sign up for the thing.

And I am impressed.

I only signed up this morning so this isn’t really a review of the service, but I did want to make a couple of points about the sign-up process and some very effective use of microcopy. UX designer Joshua Porter has written extensively about the value of good microcopy, and so have the folks at Polon. To quote from Joshua’s post:

Microcopy is small yet powerful copy. It’s fast, light, and deadly. It’s a short sentence, a phrase, a few words. A single word. It’s the small copy that has the biggest impact. Don’t judge it on its size”¦judge it on its effectiveness.

Below is the first screen in the Plaxo registration flow. I’ve circled the microcopy on the form:

How to stay sane as a Product Manager

As an enthusiastic (but mediocre) runner, I’ve been thinking a lot about the similarities between marathons and product management.  With all this focus on sprints, we sometimes forget that as one sprint runs into the next one, and the next one, and the next one, at some point it doesn’t feel like a sprint at all any more.  And before you know it you’re tired, overworked, and excessively grumpy — basically teetering on the edge of sanity.  There has to be a better way, right?

So when it comes to long runs, I think you can plot the relationship between distance covered and your level of joy as follows:

How to measure the effectiveness of web content

Content strategy is starting to get its much-deserved time in the spotlight as part of the user experience design family.  As basic examples of confusing/bizarre content like this one and this one show, getting serious about content is way overdue.  But I’m a little worried that we haven’t seen much talk on how to measure the effectiveness of web content.  It is unfortunate that in some companies it is still a struggle to sell the benefits of UX design, but it is the reality, so we have to deal with it.

Selling content strategy to clients and stakeholders is, of course, not the only reason why measuring its effectiveness is important. It is also essential as part of the whole design process:

  • How do we select the best content if we have a variety of different alternatives, each with its own group of supporters who want to get it on the site right away?
  • Since the voice of a web site can be such an abstract, arbitrary decision sometimes, how can we apply methodologically robust research methods to help make these decisions?
  • How do we know that the content we wrote made a difference on the site?

So that is what this post is about — a proposal for how to measure the effectiveness of web content.

A few thoughts on effective icon design

Earlier this week I was struggling, as usual, to navigate my way around our Web Analytics provider, Omniture (SiteCatalyst in particular).  Specifically, I once again had to hover over every single icon in one of the views to figure out what they mean.  I was looking for a specific menu item called “Add Metrics,” which ended up not being an icon at all, but rather a text link.

Anyway, in frustration I tweeted this screen shot, and implied that if your icons require users to hover over them to figure out what they mean, you’re dong it wrong:

To their credit and my surprise, quite a few people at Omniture follow mentions of the company on Twitter, so pretty soon I got this comment on the post from one of the Product Managers at Ominture:

Hi Rian – this is great feedback you have given us. We are taking steps to address your specific point in an upcoming release of SiteCatalyst. The icons will be clearer, and tool tips will not be necessary.


Incorporating the right business and technology needs into product requirements (Product Managegement series, Part 3)

This is the third post in a series I recently started on software development and the role of the Product Manager.  If you haven’t already done so, it might be a good idea to read Part 1 (Overview) and Part 2 (How to ensure that product requirements are informed by user needs) before your read on.  This post continues the discussion on Product Requirements and the different sources that should feed into requirements.

In Part 2 of this series I discussed the role of user needs in product requirements, and in this article I’d like to talk about the role of business needs and technology needs, and making sure that the right balance is struck when incorporating these (often loud, often conflicting) voices in the organization into what gets built.  So, let’s dive in…

Business needs

When I was at eBay, we often heard the mantra from our executive team, “If you fix the user experience, you fix the business.”  Lovely words, but when it comes time to decide what to build, “Fix the business” usually comes first.  This is, of course, not a bad thing, but unfortunately the best user experience often means taking revenue-generating features out of the product.  Would we have banner ads if UX really was king?  Don’t think so…


How to ensure that product requirements are informed by user needs (Product Management series, Part 2)

I recently started a series on software development and the role of the Product Manager.  If you haven’t already done so, it might be a good idea to read Part 1 (Overview) before continuing.  In this post I’d like to write about the first step in the development process, namely Product Requirements, and the various sources of input that go into deciding what to build and how to improve your product.

As I started writing I realized the topic is just too big for one post, so I’m going to split it up into a few different posts:

  • Part 2 (this post) will be about user needs as an input to product requirements.
  • Part 3 will be about business needs and technology needs as inputs to product requirements.
  • Part 4 will be about  the PM’s role in the Product Requirements phase.

Even though the focus here is not on what kind of product/service your company should develop and sell, I do want to briefly mention product/market fit, because it is probably the most important aspect to figure out to be a successful business.  No one talks about this better than Marc Andreesen, so I wanted to quote from one of his (now deleted) blog posts:

The quality of a startup’s product can be defined as how impressive the product is to one customer or user who actually uses it: How easy is the product to use? How feature rich is it? How fast is it? How extensible is it? How polished is it? How many (or rather, how few) bugs does it have?

The size of a startup’s market is the the number, and growth rate, of those customers or users for that product.

The only thing that matters is getting to product/market fit.  Product/market fit means being in a good market with a product that can satisfy that market.

With product/market fit figured out (no easy task), and a workable product to start with, it’s time to get serious about building and improving the product — and that’s the stage where this post starts.  At the heart of a good product roadmap stands a Product Manager that is able to strike a balance between user needs, business needs, and technology needs.  So let’s look at each of those in detail, starting with user needs.

Tech4Africa panel: How we redesigned

This week I was in Johannesburg for the debut of Tech4Africa, a conference about web technology in the African context. It was a fantastic experience, an opportunity to learn from and meet some great people, and I will most certainly be back next year (but hey, Gareth, let’s move it to Cape Town next year!). Yes, there were the usual small conference hiccups, but nothing that can overshadow the importance and significance of this event.

The mere fact that we were able to listen to speakers like Clay Shirky, Andy Budd, and John Resig, as well as some top South African thinkers & doers, and discuss with them the uniquely challenging opportunities that exist here in Africa, made this conference a winner. The content was mostly great, but the conference was more than that — it was about being inspired and energized about being in this industry, at this time, in Africa. You should follow Tech4Africa and its head organizer, Gareth Knight, for updates on the conference. And no matter where you live, you should attend next year. This event is here to stay.

I also had the great opportunity to speak on a web design panel with Allan Kent, Basheera Khan, and Mike Lewis. We took a User-Centered Design (UCD) approach to redesigning, a web site that allows South Africans to pay the many traffic fines they get every… well… every month or so.

We’ve never met each other before the conference, and we were all in different locations. So, since we had to do this remotely and in our limited spare time, we broke the process up into three distinct user experience elements and each took responsibility for one of the tasks: content strategy (me), interaction design (Bash), and visual design (Mike). We collaborated a lot along the way, but we decided to each lead the creation of one piece of the puzzle, and then put it all together in a coherent story (this was Allan’s job!).

The end result? Well, you should judge for yourself. Here is what Payfine currently looks like:


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